Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The birth of our little angel!!

I am not a very consistent blogger but that’s about to change now that our little guy is here.
The last 14 months has been crazy and wonderful. Last September we found out we were pregnant with our first child. It was so exciting!! I could not wait to see our little guy and found myself counting day the days until I got to see him. Little did I know at the time what would be coming my way the next 10 months. I was severely ill the first three months of my pregnancy. I was throwing up every day and could  hardly eat anything. It was like having a serve case of the flu every day for months.  I am so glad I had the most kind, loving husband in the world!! Michael took such good care of me and was so patient! I finally started feeling better four months into my pregnancy. Two days after Christmas we found out we were having a little boy!  It was a really special opportunity to see my little guy on the ultrasound moving around and hearing his little heart beat. I loved that little guy so much!

As our due date got closer, our excitement grew. We painted Porters room a pretty green, filled his fish tank with colorful fishes, bought his crib and washed all of the cute clothes we received. Time seemed go so slow the weeks before Porter was born. I was so big and it was hard to sleep. I started to go on really long walks with Michael to help the baby come. We thought the doc was going to induce us a week early since Porter was measuring big but no such luck, I was not dilated enough .

I woke up at 5:00 am on the morning of my due date to find that my water had broken. I started jumping up and down because I was so excited. About 20 minutes later my contractions were really bad and were only 3 minutes apart. Michael rushed me to the hospital with lights blazing.
I arrived at the hospital at about 6:15 and the fun started. I was poked and prodded over and over again. At the exact same time I was going through this my sister in law was next door to me going through the same things in preparation for her little boy!  Michael and his mom just kept going from room to room seeing how we were doing and passing messages back and forth. It was so much fun! The two babies were born just a couple of hours from each other.

My contractions were strong for a while but after a few hours they started to slow down, so they put me on potcin to help me along. The doctors wouldn’t let me eat anything and I was starving. I got so sick and was throwing up the entire day.

After 14 hours of labor I had reached a ten!! I was so excited when the doc came and told me to start pushing!

I pushed and pushed forever. I was so tired and still throwing up. After an hour and a half they started to use the vacuum to help him come. After a half an hour of the vacuum they said there was no way he was going to fit and took me to the operating room for an emergency C-section. I was so tired and sad that after all the hours of labor he was not going to come on his own.
They gave me some funny laughing gas to help with my anxiety during the C-Section. It was the weirdest thing ever. All the docs and nurses kept saying I would be a funny drunk. I am not sure what I said but Michael still laughs about it today.

I was so sad because of the laughing gas and how sick I was after the C-Section, I was unable to focus and see my baby when they brought him to me. It was not until early the next morning that I got to feed, hold and talk to him. It was such an inspirational moment, holding my little boy for the first time. He just stared at me for a good 15 minute  listening to me talk. 

                                                       Porter Listening to Me

                                         Porter and his cousin born within hours of each other

After 3 days in the hospital I headed home. I was so sore for the next two weeks. I was unable to move far without getting extremely tired. It was hard to sit down, walk or lay down without pulling my stitches.

It was a trying experience but an amazing one. I am so grateful I was able to have my little guy and that he was safe and healthy. I am grateful that Heavenly Father trusts me enough to have Porter in my life. 

                                                                   Hospital Pic's

                                                    Porter Heading home from hospital

 Great Grandma and Grandpa!

I love my family so much!